Wahoooooo we are having a GIRL!!!!
Just like I said. WEll, our ultrasound was on Thursday morning but for some reason I thought it was on Wednesday (that was just a regular check up for me). Since I didn't have orange juice to get the baby jumpin, I ate two ice cream bars and a couple of sips of Squirt. Then once I realized that the ultrasound was tomorrow and not today I laughed and said, "well, I guess I am just going to have to do the same tomorrow."
Then the BIG DAY CAME!!!! We were so excited! First the tech checked the babies heart and did some quick measurements. While she was doing the measurements I thought I saw something between the legs so I was thinking that I was wrong this whole pregnancy. But then she went back between the legs and I said," I knew it, it's a girl huh." the tech was like YEP! Ryan and I are so excited! Ryan said he knew it was a girl because he lives in a house full of girls, even our dogs and fishes are girls. Maybe out next baby will be a boy.