March 23, 2012

My Busy Week

Paisley picked the worst week to decide she was going to wake up every two-three hours at night. I figured she was just teething because she was only fussy at night. A couple people told me I should go get her ears checked out. We had just had her 9 month well check and the doctor said they were fine but I just wanted to double check because she was acting like a crazy person all of a sudden. Paisley's doctor thinks I am crazy but that 's ok because I think he is a lot of other things that I will refrain from saying. The doctor looked at me with "the look" and said she was fine and that she just teething and has a bad case of allergies. He said if her nose starts to run continous yellow snot to call him and he would put her on an anabiotic. 

Along with allergies the doctor wanted me to go get her tested to see what she is allergic to. I have to get this done too so Paisley and I have an allergy testing appointment on next Tuesday. The doctor told me it is going to be hard because she is so strong. When he was looking up her nose and looking down her throat she was putting up such a big fight I had to hold her head against me and the doctor had to hold her arms from moving. I don't really know what to expect for the allergy testing; I know she is going to scream I just don't know how much. I'm not sure if I am going to be able to go in there, Ryan might have to do that without me. 
It was hard being away from my baby girl everyday this week but to see the smile on her face from the moment I walked through that door was worth it. Everyday when I would get home from work she would crawl over to me and just smile and giggle. I knew she missed me. Ryan was so sweet to send me pictures of her and sometimes I actually though I was glad to be at work :). 
Ryan and I are very different when it comes to what Paisley wears. If Ryan had it his way she would live in her pajamas. Myself on the other hand, loves getting her all dressed up, even if we don't leave the house (I'm sure this will change with the next child). So it wasn't much to my surprised that when I got home from work everyday this week that Paisley was still in her pj's and had food all over her face and in her hair. The day I took her to the doctor I was running a little late from work so I called Ryan and told him to put her in the car and I would just hop in and leave. Next time I am going to see what she is wearing because when I got to the doctor and opened the back door the first thing I said was, "Ryan, are you kidding me???" Ryan still had her in her pj's and she didn't have any socks on and she had food plastered all over her face. Is my husband the only one that would do this?
This was clearly a day that she spent with me haha. 
She is so stinkin cute! I am so happy to spend the weekend with her and catch up on our 365 days :) (I have been slackin).  

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