March 13, 2012

Working Out SUCKS

I have been trying to lose weight for a while now and it is so hard. I lost 7 pounds and then I put it right back on, just like that. I have been really good about watching what I am putting in my mouth and I have also stepped up my exercising. I take Paisley on either a walk or a jog every night/morning with the exceptions of Mondays and Tuesdays (Ryan's days off). The other day I ran 2.10 miles without stopping (I have never done that before). Then today I took an hour spin class and only got off my bike once to fill up my water bottle. I just don't understand why it is so hard for me to lose weight. Why does it have to be so dang hard. I just want the easy way out and get lipo or something.

I use to love being in pictures (not in a vain way) and goofing around with friends and now I HATE having my picture taken and being in large groups of people. I am now the person behind the camera instead of in the pictures. I think Paisley and I only have a handful of pictures together and if she is in the picture with me it is just of our faces or I am putting her in front of my body.

Sorry, I just had to vent I guess with having a crappy day and getting sick yet again it's all just weighing on me. I'm not writing this so people can respond nice things to me. I just don't understand what else I can do. It's so frustrating.