March 14, 2012

Hunger Games

For the first time since my freshman year in high school I actually read a book that doesn't have to do with pregnancy or Autism. I use to hate reading. I even tried to read the Twilight series and I just couldn't get past the first page. The Hunger Games is amazing, I couldn't put the book down. Paisley's bath time went from 20-30 minutes to 45+ minutes. The night I finished the book I had a dream I was training for the games haha I woke up laughing.

I never understood people that would wait at the book store for hours waiting for the next book to be released, or the people that would go to a midnight showing and dress up as a character. But now I do, haha. I am so excited for the movie to come out, I have been counting down the days. Although, I am still not going to go to the midnight showing (that's not my think, I have a record for falling asleep in the previews). I figured Ryan and I will go when all of the teeny boppers are in school the next day.


Kris said...

Oh man, remember when we were teeny boppers?

By: Desi Muir said...

yes we were annoying