August 03, 2011

2 Months Old

...Say it Ain't So...
Paisley is such a good baby (I'm so glad we got the colic under control).
In the past month Paisley has....
  • Been smiling and talking like crazy. Speaking of talking, Paisley said HELLO! Ryan and I about died laughing when she did it and the best part we got it on tape. (you can view my facebook to watch it).
  • She is also SUPER BABY! Her legs are so strong, she can bare weight on her legs anywhere from 10-15 seconds.
  • She is fighting her naps but goes down at night with no problem, I'll just lay her in her crib and she will fall asleep.
  • She is still sleeping through the night so I am very thankful for that because with me being such a night person I need to sleep in.
I'm excited for her Dr's appointment tomorrow to see how much she has grown!

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