November 26, 2011

Naughty Dogs

I have the smartest dumbest dogs alive. Many of you know that Coco recently ate my blue tooth that Ryan bough me for my birthday. When I found her with it she was in her cage. This is what she does when she has something she shouldn't. Now on every time Coco isn't in my sight I know she is most likely doing something she shouldn't be doing. Last night I went to look for her in her cage and sure enough she was chewing on an attachment to Paisleys booger-sucker-upper. She quickly ran out of her cage and into Khloe's cage. And in there I found this.
I was looking all over for this yesterday. Khloe took the container of dog food in her cage to try and eat more food. I recently put my dogs on a diet because they are getting way too fat, specifically Coco (the vet said she gained 4 pounds). So now Coco's bad habits are running off of Khloe because I have never seen her do this. Those crazy dogs.

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